Persuade the Philanthropist
Here is the basic idea:
1.) Students listen to the Hi-Phi Nation podcast episode on "The Wishes of the Dead" (2017). This is the very first episode.
This provides the topic: How to invest endowment money into the future, given that social values can change and a person's values can change over the course of their lives.
2.) Students also (earlier) listened to the Hi-Phi Nation episode on “Effective Altruism and its Critics” (2023). This provides some content for them to draw on, and the debate structure.
Some people play the role of the wealthy people looking to donate to a trust. This is not a straightforward donation to a cause, like normal altruistic donations. Instead, it is to a trust that will continue to generate a flow of funding -- managed by directors -- in perpetuity.
The others argue for various causes. There is a lot of flexibility in how you do this: Maybe they pick a cause; maybe you assign them.
The structure resembles the 2023 Hi-Phi episode, but with a twist: Nuanced, future-orientated considerations brought in, from the 2017 episode.
The 2017 episode makes salient the question of whether the philanthropist in the 2023 episode, however well-meaning and well-informed, should have that much influence as an individual.
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