Student Resources
If you find any broken links on this page, I apologise. Please alert me to broken links.
If you want to know more about my teaching, go here.
Careers with a Philosophy Undergrad Degree: See these resources and these resources about the career value of a philosophy degree.
University of Tennessee students can meet with Emily Brandel ( to discuss which courses to take to receive a major or minor in philosophy. You might be closer to a major /minor than you realise. Also, check here for an overview about our courses, departmental scholarships, etc.
Tulane Resources & Opportunities
The campus is bursting with opportunities. There are far too many relevant opportunities to list here. But here are a small subset of scholarly opportunities that students might be interested in:
Gender Based Violence Certificate
Undergraduate are eligible. It requires four courses. And take note: "Students may petition the Program Director to request a course not listed below be counted as an elective course towards the certificate."
Tulane Philosophy Club
Contact our philosophy department administrator for the most recent contact details.
Philosophy Summer Schools
i.) Linking to these opportunities does not constitute endorsement.
ii.) This list focuses on undergrad opportunities and isn't comprehensive.
iii.) Some links might be broken. Please email me if you spot them; since these are time-sensitive links, they will inevitably break at some point.
Philosophy through Games, in Introduction to Philosophy at the University of Tennessee
Princeton Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (PSURE) which is affiliated with the 'Summer Research - Early Identification Program (SR-EIP)'.
Summer School on Mathematical Philosophy for Female Students, 2017.
Summer Immersion Program in Philosophy at Brown University.
There are multiple locations for PISKI (PISKI-Rock and PISKI-Boston, for example).
A Summer Program in Philosophy of Science for Underrepresented Groups at Pittsburgh.
COMPASS at Michigan.
The CEU runs summer schools. The schools are intended for graduate students and postdocs, but exceptional applications from undergraduates might be successful.
The Young Scholars Program on Kierkegaard.
Beijing Normal University Philosophy Summer School. If the link is broken, try navigating from this one.
Groningen Summer Schools and Winter Schools. Only some of these courses are in Philosophy.
This might also have some useful information. Note that for-profit summer schools may not be worth the investment.
For High School students there is the Inclusive Summer High School Institute for Philosophy (ISHIP) and Corrupt the Youth.
See also:
Public Philosophy
The Stone, part of The New York Times.
3am Magazine, includes interviews.
Podcasts and Radio
Philosophers Discussing Art, on YouTube
Philosophy Bites with Nigel Warburton and David Edmonds.
Hi-Phi Nation with Barry Lam. This series has a very high production value, and explores philosophical topics by investigating relevant stories.
In Our Time with Melvin Bragg. The podcasts are organised by subject area, and philosophy is one of the subject areas.
History of Philosophy Without Any Gaps is an ambitious series of podcasts. Each podcast is short, but there are a lot of them!
The Owl is a public philosophy broadcast.
Videos and Other
Contrapoints contains astute, edgy analysis of ethical and social topics. The host, Natalie Wynn, has a graduate degree in philosophy. Viewer discretion advised.
Closer to Truth is a website of videos of professional philosophers.
Wisecrack. This is a political show. The host, Michael Burns, is a former philosophy professor.
Open Culture is a website of links. It has many links to free MOOCs, E-books, and documentaries. You should be able to find a lot of philosophy resources here.
Wi-Phi (Wireless Philosophy) is a collection of lectures on philosophical topics.
There are many MOOCS (Massive Online Open Courses). This one is an "on demand", free, introduction to philosophy. See also this list.
The Open University has resources for philosophy here. This includes Ethics Bites podcasts here.
Academic Resources
The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (SEP) provides introductory surveys of many topics in philosophy. The entries are all free to view online. A $5/year subscription gives you access to PDFs of all the entries.
The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy (IEP) is still being developed, but is a useful resource. It is similar to the SEP.
Think is a philosophy journal written with undergraduates and non-specialists in mind. The articles, whilst being "proper" journal articles, tend to be more accessible than articles in other journals. It is available through the university library.
Philosophy Compass is similar to Think, but the journal aims for survey articles, rather than argumentative pieces. These articles can be particularly helpful when orienting yourself within an area of philosophy.
Oxford Bibliographies Online provides a concise survey of recent literature in many areas of philosophy.
PhilPapers provides a collection of philosophy research. It is organised by topic and by author.